Blair Coron
The Sea Close By

Blair Coron is a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter from
Springfield, a small village in Fife. His music blends modern
classical, traditional folk and storytelling, with nature, people,
time, and place being common themes throughout. Coron’s
primary intention is to create enchanting atmospheres that
set course for introspection.
Recently, Coron has released his second album Cairn. It is a celebration of Scottish heritage, a thank you to all it has given so far, containing new music set to archival interviews of those who lived in the Highlands and Islands during the 20th century; discussing local legends, childhood reminiscences, and traditions long forgotten.
Allow me to present to you an ode to those living on the edge of the land.
It can mean so much to so many.
On its tides are the memories of labour and drowned sailors
On the shore wind is the lament of parted lovers
In its tales are the realms of the water-horses and selkies
To many, it is home
Take a seat before the mighty Stac Lee of St. Kilda
Let your imagination become part of its legend
Look to the portraits and landscapes beside you
Reach out your hands and let them take you in
Look into their eyes and hearts
You are welcomed into their homes
Listen to their stories
We can learn so much
How wonderful it is to commune and find comfort with someone from the past whom you have never met.
Let my music and their voices guide you gently amongst the waves and across time.
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Click on the images below to discover some of people and places featured in this commission.