
This exhibition was developed by Jasmine Patel, Digital Preservation Intern, Sara Day Thomson, Digital Archivist and Sonia Virdi, Graphic Design Manager.

With Thanks

Alice Austin, Web Archivist

Juan Martos Diaz, Media Production Officer

Stratos Filalithis, Head of Website and Communications

Ricarda Fillhardt, Training Coordinator

Geoff Fortescue, Media Studio Manager

Fiona Hendrie, Communications Manager

Melissa Highton, Director of Learning Teaching and Web Service

Gillian Kidd, Graphic Designer

Nora Mogey, Former Media and Learning Technology Service (MALTS) Manager

Calum Macphail, Media Production Officer

Nick Stroud, former Editor of BITs and Computing Officer

Lauren Tormey, former Editor of BITs and Website Editorial Assistant

Where to Learn More about this Collection and the History of BITs

Jasmine Patel, 'Welcome to the World of Digital Preservation', 23 June 2023, blog (live):

Jasmine Patel, 'All Things BITS: A Conversation with Sonia Virdi', 3 Aug 2023, blog (live):

Jasmine Patel, ‘Things I’ve learnt from working with the BITS Magazine’, 18 Aug 2023, blog (live):

Jasmine Patel, ‘Things I’ve learnt from working with the BITS Magazine’, 18 Aug 2023 (archived):

Jasmine Patel, ‘The History of BITs’, 15 March 2024, report:

Jasmine Patel, Guide to Acronyms in BITs, July 2024, documentation:

Thomson, S.D., Virdi, S., and Patel, J. ‘A Digital Forensics Workflow On-the-Fly to Preserve History of Technology in Higher Education Through the University of Edinburgh BITs Newsletter (1994-2019)’. iPRES 2024. DOI: Pending Publication