This exhibition was curated by Louise Neilson, Project Archivist, Lothian Health Services Archive, and participants from LGBT Youth Scotland and LGBT Health and Wellbeing: Bryan Woodrow, Bea, Cam D, Evan, Faye H, Harper, Iain Ogilvie, Jean Monaghan, Luka H, Manu A, Mason G, Raven, and Vada. Some participants have chosen to remain anonymous.
With thanks to both LGBT Youth Scotland, who provide quality youth work to LGBT+ young people, and LGBT Health and Wellbeing, Scotland's national charity promoting the health, wellbeing and equality of LGBT+ adults. Both organisations provided invaluable support in both the organisation and running of creative writing and zine making workshops, with special mention to: Jean Monaghan, Development Worker, LGBT Age Project; Socks Rolland, Youth & Community Development Officer, LGBT Youth Scotland; Maria Monteiro, Youth & Community Development Officer, LGBT Youth Scotland; and Ann Marriott, Youth Work Manager (East).
Special thanks also to Workshop Facilitator, Eloise Birtwhistle, for her archival research, and workshop planning and facilitation. Eloise was responsible for shaping the themes of each workshop, selecting relevant material, and creating exercises to lead participants through each session.
Filming was completed by Learning, Teaching and Web (LTW) at the University of Edinburgh with special thanks to Juan Martos Diaz for filming and editing.
Special thanks also to the funders of this project, the ScotPEN Wellcome Engagement Award (Wellcome Project Number 217078/Z/19/Z). Without their support the workshops and exhibition would not have been possible. This grant was awarded in addition to the Wellcome Trust funded project, Speaking Out: cataloguing advocacy, support and empowerment in the Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard archives.