
This exhibition project was developed by Frankie Vale, Hailee Singleton, Desiree Skellern, Carmen Hesketh and Neil Teddy Coleman, research students on the Collections and Curating Practices (MScR). The students were responsible for managing the project, a task which involved developing the concept, advertising for co-curators, shortlisting artworks and designing the site.

With special thanks to the members of the University community that co-curated this exhibition, whose enthusiasm and willingness to put themselves out there lead to the exhibition that you see here. It is their curatorial voice that you heard throughout this exhibition.

  • Caroline, Master’s Student
  • Margaret, Security Team
  • Serene, Undergraduate Student
  • Gillian, Professional Services
  • Mhairi, Undergraduate Student
  • JP, Undergraduate Student
  • Lucy, Undergraduate Student
  • P, Senior Lecturer
  • Pierce, Doctoral Candidate

Thanks also to the following individuals who provided Professional Support:

  • Dr Kitty Wheater, Mindfulness Chaplain
  • Isabel Duffy (, Graphic Design, Homepage Header Image
  • María Ibarbo Rochas, Audio Technician
  • Philly Holmes, Audio Technician

With special thanks to Dr Kirsten Lloyd, Bianca Packham, Julie-Ann Delany, and Liv Laumenech without whom this exhibition would not have been possible.

This exhibition was made possible through the support of the Digital Imaging Unit (DIU). The DIU supports learning, teaching, and research through the digitisation of and long-term digital access to rare and unique research collections acquired or created by the University of Edinburgh.